Your Unfair Advantage™ Private Coach

Be The Definitive Leader In Your Real Estate Investment Market Niche With One-on-One Private Coaching

“Jeff Gunther is today’s best real estate mentor and coach.”

~ Raymond Aaron, New York Times Bestselling Author

Entrepreneurial Strategy

As a leader, you need the wisdom of a trusted business friend to challenge your ideas and to help you break through barriers. As your personal coach, I’ll add value by collaborating with you on the creation and implementation of great ideas, and by helping you ensure sustainable growth through exemplary stewardship of resources.

Real Estate Leadership

I’ve been an active real estate investor for over 35 years. I’ve acquired over 500 residential revenue units and negotiated dozens of large commercial transactions. Leading investors leverage their strengths and have discovered when and how to combine a simple set of strategies. I’ve shared my insights with novices and industry experts alike. I can probably help you too!

Let me help you discover and develop Your Unfair Advantage, breakthrough barriers, and build the real estate investment portfolio you desire.

Your Unfair Advantage™ Private Coach includes:

  • Weekly 1-on-1 private coaching sessions, with me personally, via Zoom or telephone

  • Gain total clarity on your investment objectives
  • Discover your own unfair advantage
  • Coaching uniquely adapted to your needs - motivation, accountability, execution, leadership

  • Unlimited email review of active transactions
  • Complementary Executive membership in The Unfair Advantage MasterMind™ (throughout coaching)
  • Ongoing Executive membership in The Unfair Advantage Mastermind™ at 50% off (following coaching)
  • Optional Faith Conversation: How do we express our faith through investment activities, work, or family life?*

Invest in Yourself

$18,000.00 USD

for one full year of private coaching*


If, for any reason, during the course of our coaching relationship,

you do not believe your expectations have been met, simply request a refund.


Due to time and personal attention required, I can accept only a very limited number of coaching clients at any given time. Private coaching is not for everyone. In order to qualify, you must...

  • Be an active real estate investor or demonstrate essentials required to rapidly engage in investment activity;
  • Have a deep desire for personal growth through virtuous service;
  • Be coachable and committed to progress;
  • Be committed to operating ethically and treating people with dignity;
  • Be fun to work with!

If you think you have what it takes...

  • * A shorter or longer coaching relationship term may be available
  • * I have completed Masters level training in leadership, business, and theology. I continue to seek new knowledge and grow daily in my understanding of meaning and purpose. I identify myself as a Christ follower; my personal life purpose includes the reconciliation of faith and work. I love learning about other people and their spirituality. I will never pressure anyone to believe what I believe. (I actually think that’s kind of silly.)

Questions? Send me an Email:

#320, 11007 Jasper Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T5K 0K6

© 2021 Jeff Gunther, All Rights Reserved